2025 Basket Raffle
Friday, April 11 from 5 – 8 pm
Saturday, April 12 from 9:00 am – 4 pm
Proceeds will benefit Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Lehigh Vallet & Salem UCC Improvement Fund
Winners will be contacted after 6pm on Saturday
An array of theme baskets, prizes and gift certificates to win! Each sheet of raffle tickets (25 tickets/sheet) is $5.00 at the door. Plus 15 Mega Prizes all valued $150 or more. Food and Drinks will be available for take-out or eat-in. In 2024, there were over 350 prizes to choose from!
Prepaid Ticket Special
Purchase your raffle tickets now and you will receive 6 sheets of tickets for $25.00 (actual value is $30.00). Call the church office at 610-759-1652. The deadline for ordering and payment is April 6th. Your tickets will be waiting for you at the registration table. Accepting cash or checks made payable to “Salem UCC” with a note that it is for the “prepaid ticket special”.
Tickets – $5.00/sheet (25 on each sheet) PREPAY SPECIAL: Buy 5 Sheets for $25 and get 6th sheet free. Offer ends April 12th.
Mega Prize Online Raffle Available March 16 – April 12, 2025!
The Mega Prizes tickets are $4.00 each with multiple ticket options available. Beginning March 16th you can access the Mega Prize Raffle online. You can review the prizes, then choose the number of tickets you want to purchase with your credit card. Follow the instructions on the site to process your tickets. The online raffle will end April 12th at 5:00 pm. You can attend the in-person event on April 11 & 12, where you can see the prizes on display and purchase your tickets with cash.
Email: basketraffsalemucc2218@yahoo.com ~ 610-759-1652
50/50 Raffle – There will be a 50/50 raffle, collected over both days!
Bring a donation of pet food/item to be entered into a cash prize drawing.